Hello rowers, paddlers, supporters, friends –
Who knew, 12 months ago, when we opened the 2020 Ocean to City registration system, how different everything would turn out? Countless cancelled meetings, races, festival events, projects and three lockdowns later – here we are. Goodness, it’s been a really challenging year!
And while there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel, there is still much uncertainty in terms of what the next few months will bring.
As such, we’ve been scoping out different possibilities that will enable the delivery of our 2021 Ocean to City race; in either a virtual, hybrid or physical format. For now, we’d like to let you know that we are postponing the opening of entries until later in February and will update everyone then.
We are working on some exciting plans and one thing is for sure – we’re putting on a show and will have you rowing or paddling this June!
Many thanks for your patience in the meantime.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Joya & the Ocean to City team in Meitheal Mara