Ocean to City – An Rás Mór 2024 – Final Results
A huge thank you for taking part in Ocean To City – An Rás Mór.
RESULTS: We’re pleased to say that our Final Results have now been published. Thanks to everyone for your patience in the meantime and a big round of applause to all participants who took part on the day and conquered the Rás Mór.
TSHIRTS: A selection of 2024 Puffin t-shirts are available alongside some vintage Ocean to City tees priced at a reduced rate, contact our office for more details.
We look forward to seeing you again next year!
2023 Results
Ocean to City - An Rás Mór
We were blessed with some glorious sunshine this year. Well done to everyone who took part, and a big thank you to all participants and volunteers for making the event great!
5 Miles From Home Series
Congratulations to everyone involved!
To see the photos and comments from everyone who took part please go to: https://www.facebook.com/5milesfromhomechallenge
2022 Results
Ocean to City - An Rás Mór
Give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back. You conquered wind, rain and raced to the finish of An Rás Mór! Thanks to all participants for taking part.
5 Miles From Home Series
Congratulations to everyone involved!
To see the photos and comments from everyone who took part please go to: https://www.facebook.com/5milesfromhomechallenge
2021 Results
5 Miles From Home Series
Overall Times – Five Miles From Home Series 2021
The Overall Times are based on your best two results from the Series. This means that those who needed to change their entry during a lockdown, will still be included in the Overall Times.
It is our pleasure to acknowledge the achievement of certain crews and participants in particular and we invite you to watch our Special Awards 2021 video below. Those mentioned in the video will receive a Special Awards Certificate recognising their accomplishment.
Congratulations to everyone involved!
Welsh Sea Rowing – Five Miles From Home, 9-11 July 2021
As you know, the premier award for each leg in the Five Miles From Home Series is the MEDIAN TROPHY. Having combined all times across the four categories, we are delighted to announce that the perpetual Median Trophy is awarded to ‘Broughty Youth’’ from the Broughty Ferry Boating RTYC club in Broughty Ferry near Dundee, Scotland.
Full results message from Welsh Sea Rowing: https://www.searowing.wales/2021/07/11/fivemilesfromhome-wsr-leg-the-results/
2021 Results
Ocean to City – Five Miles From Home Results, 4-6 June 2021
On behalf of the Ocean to City team and Board of Meitheal Mara – a huge thank you and congratulations to all of this year’s Ocean to City #5milesfromhome participants! It’s been an absolute pleasure to see all your photos and stories come in from across four continents this weekend. Thank you for embracing the #5milesfromhome challenge and for coming together as one big community that simply loves to be on the water.
The provisional timed results can be found below. A big round of applause to everyone!
As you know, the premier award for each leg in the Five Miles From Home Series is the MEDIAN TROPHY. Having combined all times across the four categories, we are delighted to announce that the perpetual Median Trophy is awarded to ‘’5 Mile Crew’’ from the Living Boat Trust in Southern Tasmania, Australia.
This crew finished with their St Ayles Skiff ‘Imagine’ right in the middle of the Ocean to City fleet, and may accept this trophy as representatives of the whole fleet ❤ Lorrie Harrison, Natalie Williams, Mandy Whyatt, Cheryl Gallienne, Bearta Parry are a group of friends that formed a crew to row for the last Castle to Crane, and enjoyed it so much that they kept rowing together. What a wonderful story!
There were so many special entries this year that the Ocean to City team will reconvene Monday 7 June to discuss special titles and designations for the 2nd leg. We will announce these on #WorldOceansDay – Tuesday 8th June. If you’d like to have a look at how your fellow participants got on – head on over to our Facebook page where we’ve tried to post up as many entries as we could.
Also, the unique Ocean to City – Five Miles From Home t-shirts are still available for purchase until mid next week. The €20 price includes national/international postage. Order yours here.
Finally, go raibh maith agat to the Castle to Crane team for inviting us on board this lovely series, and to Welsh Sea Rowing for joining in and organising the 3rd leg in July. We can’t wait!
And if you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so here.
Warm regards
Joya & all at Ocean to City.
Special Awards 2021
Castle to Crane – Five Miles From Home, 7-9 May 2021
2020 Results
Virtual Challenge Results
A huge thanks to everyone who took part in our Virtual Challenge! We loved marking Ocean to City day with you and look forward to having you with us (in Cork!) next year.
All 2019 Results
Special Awards 2019
Boat of the Day: #24 with ‘Bibio’
Bibio comes to the Ocean to City Row from Lake Windermere. She is a beautiful little old lady and we wonder which is the older Peter Corless the cox or Bibio. We only know that each are between 80 and a hundred years old and that each are immune to he ravages of age. Maybe this is because of a healthy indifference to anything not fishing nor craic.
Boat Builder of the Day: #41 by ‘Kromhout’
Two Kromhout whalers came from the Netherlands – beautiful proportions and built strong but light – with crew to match!
Community Boat Build: #31 with ‘Fiach Dubh’
It is not on record how many measurements Frank O’Neill took and how many pots of tea the men’s Shed in Cross’s Green put into the construction of Fiach Dubh. She is a fine two hand currach and this is the first of many O2C outings for her we hope.
Self Build Boat Award: #91, with ‘Spoiradna Saoirse’
With determination and scorn for the pressures of single parenthood Elaine Moynihan built a genuine Dunfanaghy currach with help from her sisters, and rowed it with three up on the Monkstown Course. Spoiradna Saoirse – Spirit of freedom is giving the finger to adversity!
All 2018 Results
2018 Timings |Ocean to City – An Rás Mór
Boat Times -Rowing and Dragon Boats
2018 Timings |Ocean to City – An Rás Mór
Kayak Times
2018 Timings |Ocean to City – An Rás Mór
SUP Times
2018 Timings |Ocean to City – An Rás Mór
Youth Race Times – Blackrock
Prize Results 2018

All 2017 Results
2017 Boat Results |Ocean to City – An Rás Mór | Sheltered River Course
With the change of course we were not be able to start the race on the usual handicap basis. We therefore present prizes as follows: (a) within Boat Type Classes (b) within Age & Gender classes within the same Boat Types (c) Special Awards (d) Fun Awards.
2017 Kayak & SUP Results |Ocean to City – An Rás Mór | Sheltered River Course
Special Awards 2017
- Meitheal Mara Challenge: #97 Life Centre, Doras Dearg
- Boat of the Day – Charlie Hennessy Cup: #92 Lily, Flesk Valley RC
- Boat Builder of the Day: #46 Martin Murphy
- Cian Ó Sé Memorial Trophy: #17 NC Workshop Crew, An Báid Nua
- Community Boat Build Prize: #28 St Michael’s RC Men’s Crew
- Special Endeavour Award: # 108 Blackrock RC Junior Crew
- Never Again Prize: #16 Rose Magner
- Best Humour Prize: #382 James ”The Clown” Twomey
- Most Unconventional Route Prize: #68 Mad Dogs on Tour
All 2016 Results
2016 Ocean to City - An Rás Mór Prizewinners
Monkstown-Kayak Race | ||
2nd Women’s Kayak | #394 | Helen Holland |
1st Women’s Kayak | #395 | Catherine Molloy |
2nd Veteran Kayak | #378 | Robert Wilkes |
1st Veteran Kayak | #354 | Nigel Ducker |
1st Double Kayak | #517 | Tommy Walsh / Mark Twomey |
2nd Single Sit-on-top Kayak | #353 | Barry Marron |
1st Single Sit-on-top Kayak | #348 | Chris Coady |
2nd Single Touring Kayak | #378 | Robert Wilkes |
1st Single Touring Kayak | #354 | Nigel Ducker |
Monkstown SUP Race | ||
3rd SUP | #365 | Paul Byrne |
2nd SUP | #369 | Jason Coniry |
1st SUP | #360 | Keith McGuirk |
1st Veteran SUP | #369 | Jason Coniry |
1st Women’s SUP | # | Jenni O’Connor |
Monkstown Course | ||
1st 2-hand Currach | #94 | Beardy Flies, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
2nd Monkstown Creq | #95 | Ta Se Ag Teacht, Kildysart Curraghs |
1st Monkstown Crew | #97 | Ginasio Clube Figueirense, Ginasio 1 (Portugal) |
Dragon Boat Race | ||
1st Dragon Boat – City Course | #72 | Croí Cróga |
1st Dragon Boat – Rocky Island Course | #58 | Cork Dragons |
City-Kayak Race | ||
3rd Veteran Kayak | #345 | Lawrence Buckley |
2nd Veteran Kayak | #324 | Ciaran Cooke |
1st Veteran Kayak | #344 | Jim Morrisey, Kayakmor-Galway Sea Kayak Tours |
1st Woman Kayak | #329 | Heather Clarke |
1st Double Kayak | #516 | Stephan Cleary & Mark Kirk, Kerry Canoe Club |
3rd Touring Kayak | #323 | Tomas Walsh |
2nd Touring Kayak | #325 | Tom Healy |
1st Touring Kayak | #324 | Ciaran Cooke |
2nd Racing Kayak | #344 | Jim Morrisey, Kayakmor-Galway Sea Kayak Tours |
1st Racing Kayak | #342 | Sean McCarthy, Salmon Leap |
1st Single Kayak | #342 | Sean McCarthy, Salmon Leap |
City Course | ||
1st Currach | #5 | Blunnie, West Clare Currach Club |
2nd City Crew | #21 | Anthony & John Keating, RCYC |
1st City Crew | #5 | Blunnie, West Clare Currach Club |
Ocean-Relay Race | ||
2nd Relay Crew | #45 | Victorie, H28 (Netherlands) |
1st Relay Crew | #4 | Cool Rowings, Cill Brian |
Ocean Course | ||
1st Mixed Crew | #15 | The Cu Crew, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
1st Women’s Crew | #28 | Fergus, Fergus Currach Club |
1st Single Sliding Seat Boat | #62 | Barry Hooper, Galleyflash Rowing Club |
2nd Sliding Seat Coastal Quad | #81 | Exmouth Rowing Club, Crew A (England) |
1st Sliding Seat Coastal Quad | #79 | Castletownbere Rowing Club |
1st Thames Waterman Cutter | #68 | Port of London Men (England) |
1st Wooden Boat | #32 | Mighty Movers, St Kearns Rowing Club |
1st Veteran Celtic Longboat | #73 | Bois y Parrog, Newport Boat Club (Wales) |
2nd Celtic Longboat | #40 | Vartry Rowing Club A |
1st Celtic Longboat | #39 | Vartry Rowing Club B |
2nd ICRF | #50 | Da Men, Templenoe Rowing Club |
1st ICRF | #53 | Padraig’s Prodigies, Kilmacsimon Rowing Club |
1st Veteran ICRF | #53 | Padraig’s Prodigies, Kilmacsimon Rowing Club |
1st GRP Crew | #39 | Vartry Rowing Club B |
2nd 3-Hand Racing Currach | #28 | Fergus, Fergus Currach Club |
1st 3-Hand Racing Currach | #26 | Níl Aon Tón Tinn, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
1st Mixed 3-Hand Racing Currach | #26 | Níl Aon Tón Tinn, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
1st Racing Currach | #36 | Da Bouyos, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
1st Working Currach | #1 | Fantastic Fergus, Fergus Branch – West Clare Currach Club |
2nd 4-Hand Working Naomhóg | #10 | Los intocables, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
1st 4-Hand Working Naomhóg | #15 | The Cu Crew, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
1st Currach | #1 | Fantastic Fergus, Fergus Branch – West Clare Currach Club |
1st Ocean Crew | #1 | Fantastic Fergus, Fergus Branch – West Clare Currach Club |
Special Awards | ||
Boat of the Day, Charlie Hennessy Cup | #69 | Trinity Tide, Corporation of Trinity House (England) |
Boat Builder of the Day | #34 | Martin O’Toole who built An Gabhar from Skerries Rowing Club |
Community Boat Build Prize | #16 | RARI Rowing Club, Gerard Crowley & Naill Crowley, withNAMA |
Self-built Boat Prize | #21 | Jean built by Anthony & John Keating, RCYC |
Innovative Design Prize | #93 | Scúta, from Hal Sisk and built by Peter Ingram-Jones of Canoes and Lampshades |
First International Crew | #68 | Port of London – Men’s Crew (England) |
Second International Crew | #33 | Dutch Rowers, Roeivereniging Woelwater (Netherlands) |
Cian Ó Sé Commemorative Trophy | #9 | Laochra na Laoí, Naomhóga Chorcaí |
Race Times 2016
Comments from the Special Awards Commitee
BOAT OF THE DAY TRINITY TIDE, a Thames Waterman Cutter, twice winner of the Great River Race, captained by Joe Lane of Trinity House, originally from Cork. Trinity Tide and her skipper have taken part in all 12 Ocean to City races since the first race in 2005. BOAT-BUILDER OF THE DAY The builder of the East Coast Skiff AN GABHAR, with an all-female crew from Skerries, is Martin O’Toole. The standard of build of these beautiful clinker boats, with straight stem and stern, has been consistently high during the history of the Ocean to City Race. INNOVATIVE DESIGN PRIZE Aerolite Whitehall Type rowing boat, Hal Sisk. An innovative design and build commissioned by serial boat restorer and rescuer, Hal Sisk. Taken from the lines of his father’s punt built by Pierce Power in Passage West in the 1940s it has a see-through fabric skin and an exquisite wooden minimalist structure. It also rows quite well. The builder is from Tasmania. COMMUNITY-BUILD PRIZE NAMA, rowed by Ger and Niall Crowley from RARI Rowing Club, Bray, is one of 5 similar boats (2 at Ocean to City) built with two local youth clubs. Ger and crew members rowed this tiny boat all the way round Ireland in 2015 and raised €150,000 plus for Cystic Fibrosis charities. SELF-BUILT BOAT PRIZE JEAN, a new take on the skin-boat (painted polyester fabric on cedar frame) was built over the Winter by Anthony Keating from Crosshaven and rowed by him and his son John in the Ocean to City Race. The boat is designed by Dave Gentry, USA,and has siding seats for rowing.
All 2015 Results
2015 Ocean to City - An Rás Mór Prizewinners
Blackrock Youth Course | ||
1st Lassies Crew | Tara & Pamela, The Pink Pirates, YAP Ireland | |
1st Lads Crew | Adam & Jake, Mooju, TACT Project, Togher | |
1st Youth Crew | William & Charlie, The Red Oars, Life Centre | |
1st Junior Kayak | Daniel Redmond, Phoenix Kayak Club | |
1st Cooperation Ireland Crew | David & Jack, Belfast/Lisburn | |
Ogra Cup Winner | Mickey & Niall, The Daisy, Foroige Greenmount/Ballyphehane | |
Most Fiercesome Youth Crew | Jack, Ciaran & Cliona, Belfast/ Lisburn Cooperation Ireland | |
Monkstown-Kayak Course | ||
1st Woman Kayak | #770 | Catherine Molloy |
3rd Veteran Kayak | #753 | Barry Marron, Inniscara Sailing & Kayaking Club |
2nd Veteran Kayak | #766 | Sean Casey |
1st Veteran Kayak | #773 | Patrick Sparrow |
2nd Single Sit-on-top Kayak | #753 | Barry Marron, Inniscara Sailing & Kayaking Club |
1st Single Sit-on-top Kayak | #669 | Chris Coady |
3rd Single Touring Kayak | #770 | Catherine Molloy |
2nd Single Touring Kayak | #766 | Sean Casey |
1st Single Touring Kayak | #773 | Patrick Sparrow |
Monkstown Course | ||
1st 2-hand Currach | #105 | Churchfield Community Trust, An Dobharchú |
Rocky Island Course | ||
2nd Dragon Boat | #83 | Dublin Vikings |
1st Dragon Boat | #84 | Croí Cróga |
City-Kayak Course | ||
3rd Veteran Kayak | #654 | Chris McDaid, North Mayo Sea Kayakers |
2nd Veteran Kayak | #679 | Lawrence Buckley, Blackrock Surfski Club |
1st Veteran Kayak | #675 | Tim Healy |
1st Veteran Woman Kayak | #648 | Jan Albin, Snowdonia Canoe Club (Wales) |
2nd Woman Kayak | #648 | Jan Albin, Snowdonia Canoe Club (Wales) |
1st Woman Kayak | #606 | Ruth McAuliffe, Phoenix Kayak Club |
1st Double Kayak | #509 | Patrick Pierce & Ruth Phelan |
3rd Touring Kayak | #670 | Michael P O’Farrell |
2nd Touring Kayak | #654 | Chris McDaid, North Mayo Sea Kayakers |
1st Touring Kayak | #675 | Tim Healy |
2nd Racing Kayak | #679 | Lawrence Buckley, Blackrock Surfski Club |
1st Racing Kayak | #682 | Malcolm Banks, Salmon Leap |
1st Single Kayak | #682 | Malcolm Banks, Salmon Leap |
City Course | ||
1st Veteran Crew | #17 | North Berwick Rowing Club, Speedwell (Scotland) |
1st City Crew | #17 | North Berwick Rowing Club, Speedwell (Scotland) |
Ocean-Relay Course | ||
1st Traditional-style Relay Crew | #2 | Kilbrin Rowing Club, Cul Rowings |
1st Relay Crew | #59 | Galley Flash Rowing Club |
1st ICRF Relay | #59 | Galley Flash Rowing Club |
Ocean Course | ||
2nd Mixed Crew | #39 | North Berwick Rowing Club, Bass Rockets (Scotland) |
1st Mixed Crew | #62 | Edermine Ferry, Still Mad For It |
1st Veteran Crew | #7 | Naomhóga Chorcaí, Croi Na Nog |
3rd Women’s Crew | #51 | MYC Rowing Porthmadog, Porthmadog Ladies (Wales) |
2nd Women’s Crew | #20 | St.Kearns Rowing Club, Flaming Rowing Tigers |
1st Women’s Crew | #8 | Naomhóga Chorcaí, Neart na mBan |
1st Single Sliding Seat Boat | #13 | Mersea Island Rowing Club, Reuben (England) |
1st 2x Sliding-seat Ocean | #24 | Mersea Island Rowing Club, Mersea Boys (England) |
2nd St Ayles Skiff | #39 | North Berwick Rowing Club, Bass Rockets (Scotland) |
1st St Ayles Skiff | #38 | Coigach Rowing, Coigach (Wales) |
1st 4-oared Wooden Boat | #20 | St.Kearns Rowing Club, Flaming Rowing Tigers |
1st 6-oared Wooden Boat | #72 | Falmouth Gig Club, Kernow Bys Vyken (England) |
1st Wooden Boat | #38 | Coigach Rowing, Coigach (Wales) |
1st Mixed Crew Celtic Longboat | #54 | Aberystwyth RC, Aberystwyth Mixed (Wales) |
2nd Celtic Longboat | #52 | Aberystwyth RC, Aberystwyth Men (Wales) |
1st Celtic Longboat | #53 | Aberystwyth RC, Aberystwyth Vets (Wales) |
2nd ICRF | #68 | Templenoe Rowing Club |
1st ICRF | #63 | Arklow Rowing Club, Honey Badgers |
1st GRP Crew | #63 | Arklow Rowing Club, Honey Badgers |
2nd Racing Currach | #29 | An Spideil |
1st Racing Currach | #30 | Doonbeg Currach Club |
1st Working Noamhóg | #7 | Naomhóga Chorcaí, Croi Na Nog |
1st Currach | #3 | Naomhóga Chorcaí, Fiolair na Mara |
1st Ocean Crew | #3 | Naomhóga Chorcaí, Fiolair na Mara |
Special Awards | ||
Meitheal Mara Challenge | #105 | Churchfield Community Trust, An Dobharchú |
Boat of the Day, Charlie Hennessy Cup | #4 | Avonmore II, Paul Tingle |
Boat Builder of the Day | #33 | Jeremy Duffin, Strangfj?rðr, Strangford Costal Rowing Club |
Community Boat Build Prize | #1&2 | Kilbrin Rowing Club |
First International Crew | #53 | Aberystwyth RC, Aberystwyth Vets (Wales) |
Special Endeavour Award | #754 | Jason Coniry for the ‘’First ever SUP entry’’ |
Cian Ó Sé Commemorative Trophy | #11 | Naomhóga Chorcaí, Cumhacht Ceithre Capall |